Green Sun, proposal
Green Sun, proposal
Green Sun, content
Green Sun, content
Concept A
Concept A
Concept B
Concept B
Concept C
Concept C
Concept D
Concept D
Green Sun, contact
Green Sun, contact
I crafted this design proposal for a company looking to remodel the main element of their identity: an animated 3D orb representing the heart of their ecosystem. In addition, three smaller orbs representing the three pillars of the business model and connecting with their specific communities will complete the whole ecosystem.
Create an endless 3D loop for each orb. The goal is to use these elements for a new version of the company's website in order to better represent their model and reach out to a wider audience.
Following the company's prompt, the orbs I designed had to be visually impactful. As 3D animation allows the designer to give life to its ideas, 
I wanted each orb to tell a story on its own while being in harmony with one another. The main concept is based on two key elements: movement and multiplicity.
Movement was present on two different levels: a mechanical movement as the sphere rotates on its axis and an organic movement inherent to the content of the sphere. On the other hand, the use of transparency allowed me to play with multi levels of textures and lighting, highlighting the characteristics of the ecosystem.